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How to Style a Jumpsuit

How to wear a jumpsuit for all occasions

jumpsuit is the perfect instant base for any outfit; it can be dressed up with heels for a special event or dressed down with sandals on holiday. Whether you prefer a wide leg and a cropped fit or a tapered fit and a full leg your perfect jumpsuit is waiting.

What is a jumpsuit?

A jumpsuit is a garment which incorporates both a top and trousers in one –piece; they often feature a full leg length or a cropped leg, anything shorter is considered a playsuit or romper. They can be made from hard-wearing denim, breathable linen, heavier corduroy and more luxe fabrics like velvet or lurex. They can be layered over t-shirts and short sleeve tops for more modest outfits or layered beneath oversized coats during colder weather.

How can I style my jumpsuit casually?

To style your jumpsuit for a more casual occasion you can layer a sleeveless culotte leg jumpsuit over a short sleeve t-shirt and pair with trainers, this is perfect for outdoor events like a picnic in the park. This is especially great if the weather is unpredictable or might get a little cooler in the evening.

For a beach holiday you can pair a linen jumpsuit with flat sandals which is the perfect balance of style and comfort. The lightweight linen is a breathable fabric that will help wick away any sweat and help you stay cool and in the evening you can simply add a soft cardigan on combat any drop in temperature.

Izabel London Casual Jumpsuits

How can I dress my jumpsuit up for a party?

If you’re looking to dress your jumpsuit up for a special occasion or a more glamorous event pair a floral wide leg jumpsuit with high strappy heels and a satin clutch bag for a simple yet bold outfit. You can also throw a faux leather biker jacket over your shoulders to give your look a more edgy feel (and to keep you warm later on).

If you would prefer to wear a fitted jumpsuit you can style with silver heels and jewellery for a softer yet still chic outfit adding a tailored blazer to add structure and dimension to the complete look.

Izabel London Floral Jumpsuits

How do I create a wedding guest outfit with a jumpsuit?

Creating a stylish wedding guest outfit with a jumpsuit is one of our favourite looks. A bold floral printed jumpsuit paired with a tailored jacket and heeled espadrille wedges is the perfect outfit for an outdoor setting and is ideal if you know you’ll be spending a lot of time on your feet.

For an evening outfit opt for a black jumpsuit for a darker tone more evening appropriate paired with black heels, a small clutch bag and a classic cropped faux leather jacket. Don’t forgot to opt for block heels if you plan on dancing the night away!

You can also check out our wedding guest style guide for more wedding outfit inspiration.

Izabel London Summer Wedding Jumpsuits

5 Easy styling tips for Jumpsuits

  1. For daytime nothing beats a linen casual jumpsuit, strappy flat sandals and a practical straw bag. It’s the ultimate in cool summer dressing and is comfortable all-day long.
  2. For an evening occasion a bold floral print sleeveless jumpsuit paired with strappy heels and a small satin bag is an effortless outfit that looks anything but.
  3. For a wedding pairing a v-neck jumpsuit and heeled espadrille wedges will mean you chic and your feet won’t complain no matter how long you dance for.
  4. A cropped summer jumpsuit is perfect paired with trainers, sandals and heels depending on the event.
  5. A full length wide leg jumpsuit paired with heels can help elongate and make you look taller.

How to find the right jumpsuit for you

Ask yourself these 3 questions:

Will the shape work for my figure? A v-neckline will draw the eye to your bust and away from your tummy. A define waist will draw the eye in and can enhance your curves. A classic straight leg will compliment slimmer legs, where a wide leg is everyone’s best friend they’re an easy way to lengthen your legs (simply pair with heels).

Where am I wearing this? Is it a holiday, a wedding a special event? This will help you decide whether to choose a cool fabric like linen, a softer palette and a pretty floral print or a neutral navy colour and a statement neckline.

How many ways can I wear this jumpsuit? The best thing about the right jumpsuit is how versatile they are – picking the right shape and fit will mean you can dress it up with heels, down with trainers and layer it over t-shirts or under cosy outerwear.



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